Cheerios Sugar Cost

I took my son to Costco the other day. He whined and nagged and wanted to get a box of honey nut cheerios. It was two dollars more than the sugarless option. But is it worth the money?

If you turn to see the nutrition info on the Honey Nut Cheerios,that’s 10 grams of sugar for every 3/4 cup.

The pediatrician recommended sugar intake for children is 16 grams per day.

This means that by breakfast,your child would have eaten nearly the amount of the recommended sugar intake. While there’s nothing wrong with happy and chubby kids,the long term health risks like obesity and diabetes are costly. Bad food habits early in life may lead to a lifetime of weight issues or sugar addiction.

Not to mention it actually is the more expensive option upfront. Never buy anything with this much sugar and you’ll save more in the long run.

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